For decades, our environmental surroundings have been the region's hallmark. Which is why we at the Asturias Paraíso Natural Film Commission wish to help preserve our privileged territory, by opting for sustainable development practices and helping to reduce the environmental impact that audiovisual productions may cause. Our aim is for these projects to become more environmentally friendly, benefit their immediate surroundings and, in short, develop a sustainable activity at all levels wherever they are carried out.


1. Localizaciones


Acts responsibly when choosing film locations, taking account of existing environmental legislation, especially if there is a specific figure for environmental protection.

2. Mínimo impacto

Minimum impact

If the peace and quiet of local residents and shops may be affected by your filming, you will need to inform them of it in advance and keep any environmental, acoustic and/or light pollution generated to a minimum. Take into account whether there are any heritage or natural resources to mark out and suitably protect. In addition, promote a civic attitude of daily practices in your team, avoiding the dirtying of public roads.

3. Proveedores verdes


Try to select local sustainable suppliers whose activity has either no or minimal negative impact on the environment, such as local catering companies with sustainable practices, which avoid the use of disposable products and food waste, encourage the consumption of local, seasonal, organic products etc.

4. Alojamiento


Choose hotels or accommodation close to the main location or locations of the filming or operational centres, and give priority to those that have sustainable accommodation certification, or which promote good environmental practices in the tourism sector.

5. Proximidad


Promote local employment by hiring as many local staff as possible, professionals from the audiovisual sector and the adjacent service providers alike - renting equipment and vehicles, purchasing products etc. It is a way of offering a positive return to the area that welcomes you.

6. Reduce, reutiliza y recicla


IIncorporate the classic three-R rule into your filming: Reduce - using only the necessary resources and avoiding the purchase of disposable products; Reuse - decorations, clothing or other materials and promote organic waste composting - and Recycle - by separate containers - depositing cables, metals, props or other defective and unusable technical equipment in one of the COGERSA Clean Points scattered throughout the region.

7. Transporte


Try to minimise the distance between your accommodation and your film or set's operational centres, and promote the use of low-emission vehicles (electric or hybrid) or shared transport, by avoiding individual use or empty seats in these vehicles. Provide your team members with information on public transport alternatives too.

8. Consumos


You can optimise energy consumption by opting for low-consumption devices or promoting routines for the correct use of the equipment, such as a total shutdown or unplugging when they not in use, thereby avoiding the standby mode. Likewise, make efficient and sustainable use of water, avoiding individual single-use containers, providing alternative reusable containers and refill points, and remembering to optimise the flushing of cisterns or unnecessarily long opening of taps.

9. Planifica, evalúa y comunica


Provide for the figure of a green runner who plans the sustainability policy, establishing goals and protocols, and monitor. For the purposes of filming, assess goals achieved and communicate through your RRSS, web or media, the sustainable values you have promoted. That way you will help to spread and standardise of measures in future audiovisual projects.

10. Compensa


Once the project is finished, compensate your carbon footprint - obtained through a "calculator" - by participating in a "carbon fund" or environmental project promoted by the competent authority, through a local NGO or by positive action such as planting trees or reforesting a damaged area.


Download the decalogue